About Us
We Listen, We Treat, We Care
We are an eminent mental health service with top online private psychiatrists, private psychologists and therapists, who provide a range of psychological and psychiatric consultations. We can see patients all over England and Wales. We see people online and in person. Our platform is powered by cutting edge, secure and intuitive technology to make Mental Health treatment more available, accessible, and affordable to people in England and Wales.

Oaktree Connect Mission
“Just as the acorn contains the mighty Oak, the Self has everything it needs to fulfil its destiny.
When the inner conditions are right, it naturally emerges”
Derek Rydal
Oaktree Connect is a national digital mental healthcare platform that also offers the option for in-person consultations with doctors and psychologists. We have combined state-of-the-art technology with mental health services accessible to everyone in the UK, regardless of age, culture, language, ability, or income.
We strive to make seeking care easy and accessible, enabling informed choices to improve quality of life, empower individuals who suffer from mental health issues and support their recovery.
Our mission is to provide wide range of highest quality, traditional evidence based mental health services including assessment, investigations, diagnosis, medication and talking therapies of mental health conditions, alongside safe and up-to-date treatments, as a national centre of excellence.
Oaktree Connect Vision and Values
“We are deeply committed to advocate for our patients, carers and families, to provide the best care. Every step we take to improve and expand our services embodies this mission.”
Dr Meetu Singh, CEO, Oaktree Connect
Our vision is to revolutionise provision of Mental Health Care online. Oaktree Connect uses cutting edge technology to achieve this and we endeavour to make services user friendly, high quality, safe, convenient, accessible and inexpensive for both, patients & practitioners.
We believe that your values should be our values, with this in mind we have provided our users the ability to hand select the clinicians we think are at the top of their profession and for patients to have full access to their own medical records.