
Oaktree Clinic’s Mindfulness Event was a Great Success

On Friday 14th October, The Oaktree Clinic hosted a round of Mindfulness to coincide with Mental Health Day. The event was, of course, a great success. Mindfulness therapist Bilquees Kamal led an immensely calming evening of relaxation for those present.

The reviews are outstanding:

“It was my first insight into the concept of Mindfulness and I found it very informative… I found it very interesting on a personal level, too.”

“I know where you are for when I need help! Thanks very much.”

“The mindfulness session was very useful, helped me get a good sense of what is it about and would love to now find out more… [The Oaktree Clinic should] run more sessions like this, to raise awareness.”

“All parts of this evening were enjoyable – could have done it for longer!”

It is safe to say that everyone left truly satisfied and hungry to delve deeper into Mindfulness.