Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety Disorders Assessment and Treatment for Children

Anxiety is an intense feeling of worry or fear, that can vary dramatically in how much it is felt

The symptoms of General Anxiety Disorder are more severe than being stressed or worried about something. When a young person is affected to the point of being able to cope with their daily activities, you should seek professional help.

Facts about Anxiety Disorders


30% of the world population suffers with an anxiety disorder

In the UK

6% of people report anxiety disorders in one week, more than 8 million cases per year

Our Patient’s Views & Reviews

Google Review
Dec 2023
Great service! I was very apprehensive about spending money with another online service, as I had been let down by one before. However, I am very pleased to say that Oak Tree Connect really makes the effort. The customer service is second to none, and Dr. Swamy was very understanding and professional when it came to asking about my prescription. He said the email to the online pharmacy had already been sent, making it a very streamlined service through and through. I would highly recommend it to anyone.
NHS Review
Jul 2024
I can’t recommend OakTree Connect enough, from the always helpful and reassuring admin team, to the exceptional quality of care and knowledge of my Dr, I have been immensely impressed and I do not say it lightly that my life has changed for the better thanks to my Dr (and the team) going above and beyond. I have tried other Harley street physiatrists and didn’t receive the same quality or professionalism as I have with Oak tree connect. My thanks to you all!
Google Review
Jul 2024
Given how challenging it can be to find the right place to get help with mental health, Oaktree has been a breath of fresh air. Without this service I would have had to wait possibly years before reaching the place I'm at today. The Oaktree Connect admin team are also extremely helpful, always going above and beyond to ensure things run smoothly. I would definitely recommend Oaktree Connect to anyone seeking a private psychiatry service.

To read about how yoga can help manage the symptoms of anxiety disorders, read our blog here. For more information on our services, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

You don’t need a referral to have an assessment for anxiety at Oaktree

Call us and a chat with our friendly knowledgeable administrative staff is all that is needed to book an appointment to see our expert psychiatrists, within one week. It is that simple.


Anxiety is persistent with no reasonable triggers. You find it hard to control your worries and it can become very difficult to manage. It affects your day-to-day life or gets in the way of living your life the way you want. It can become an overwhelming challenge in a young person’s life, learning, socialising, and enjoying school and home.

Types of Anxiety Disorders

Specific Phobias, Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder and Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) are all classified as anxiety disorders. GAD is one of the most common, affecting up to 5% of the UK population.

Costs for CAMHS Anxiety Disorders Services Online and In Person

We have tried our best to make this process affordable for you by keeping our costs as low as possible. Compare fees with other providers here. Part payments are also available on our payment page with Klarna.

Anxiety Disorders
CAMHS Assessment
Anxiety Disorders
CAMHS Follow Up



Despite anxiety being a significantly challenging condition, there are several ways to help alleviate the symptoms including the following:

Physical treatments:

  • Antidepressant or Anxiolytic (Anxiety)

Psychological therapies:

  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)  
  • Mindfulness
  • Social Skills training